Spring to Life!
Winter blues and cold soon changes to bright, cheerful Spring days.
Seasonal change is a universal principle, just like gravity, it happens. We are fortunate that this is pleasant season; one that’s warm, bright, and full of color. The growth that we see outside happens because its mother nature’s law. No matter what, we are going to have approximately 13 weeks of amazing growth. during this season of Spring. But this growth is not just external, it also takes place within.The increase in light rejuvenates our spirits and stimulates Vitamin D production (the biggest deficiency known in the developed world). More light stimulates feel good hormones and creates energy for personal growth and healing within.
Its a great time to restart a project, rekindle a relationship, or remove the old and welcome the new. We have more hours of sunshine to devote to projects, exercise and fun. The light itself is an energy and we can’t help but feel more awake when we are exposed to longer spring days.Make the most of this period of light!
This light can also be a reminder of the light that creates, heals and keeps us all working on the inside. Remember that within you is an energy or innate intelligence that can also be reconnected during this special period of universal growth.
For many, our full potential is not being expressed due to subluxations, or interference in the nervous system. The word ‘subluxation’ when broken down actually means ‘a state of less light’ (sub means ‘less’, lux means light, ation means “a state of’).
The fundamental aim of chiropractic is to reduce subluxations in order to bring you in a state of more light, connection and life.
So, let your light flourish during this period of growth by getting your spine checked for subluxations. Getting adjusted means you get clear so your light can be fully expressed.We look forward to serving you more light this Spring!In Health,
Dr. Angela Grove
Watch this space for more info how to connect to your true purpose. My vision for you and your life is big! Keep clear so you can express your purpose and live life to the fullest!
Email Dr. Grove at dancingspine@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter at dancingspine
Telephone: 301-748-0327