Looking for a same day appointment? Dancingspine Chiropractic in Frederick can fit you in today? Call 301-660-7511 to schedule a chiropractic exam and chiropractic consultation. Frederick chiropractic offices are often busy. Dancingspine offers easy scheduling and evening hours to work with your busy schedule. Back pain and poor posture can really interrupt your schedule and cause you to miss work and important events. Don’t let your bad back or poor health make you cancel important activities that you love, like playing sports, lifting your children, working in your garden and enjoying loved ones.
Dancingspine Chiropractic is Frederick chiropractic clinic for your busy family. We care for chiropractic patients from Urbana, Adamstown, Middletown, Buckeystown, Monrovia, New Market, Point of Rocks and Harper’s Ferry areas. We are located off English Muffin Way and Route 85:
Address: 4451 Georgia Pacific Blvd Frederick Md 21701 Tel: 301-660-7511
Check out this link on how our Frederick chiropractic clinic works with Urbana Chiropractor, the Urbana chiropractic clinic. We now provide chiropractic care for both Urbana and Frederick patients.